Annual Meeting Wrap Up
March 7, 2016
Trinity Lutheran Church held its annual meeting January 31st. It was very encouraging to see the number of people who attended and the great discussion we had.
The following are highlights from the meeting:
- In 2015, the Transition Team did a thorough review of our membership and ti was discovered that we had been reporting a far larger number of members than we actually had. At this time, we believe that the current number of 170 members now reflects oru true membership.
- Susan G gave us a detailed walk through the church finances and the propsed 2016 budget. The 2016 budget was passed.
- We elected 2 new council members, Cyndi N and Jana N (2nd term), as well as Synod Assembly delegates, a Sno-Isle Cluster delegate, and a Bethany of the NW delegate.
- Usage from the 2015 Wallac eFund Designations were discussed as well as the propsed 2016 designations. All designations for 2016 were approved.
- Parish reports were reviewed.
- Under the leadership of our 2016 council and new pastor, we are continuing on to implement a healthy financial year, full of grace and love doing God's work.