Pastor Tim Feiertag began serving Trinity Lutheran Church in January of 2016. He was drawn to the congregation’s strong focus on serving the concrete needs of the neighbors and on hospitality and welcome. As a gay man, Pastor Tim is particularly pleased to be serving a Reconciling In Christ congregation. (Reconciling In Christ is the Lutheran program for faith communities who have made a public and intentional welcome to people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.)
Having moved to north Everett from Kansas City, Missouri, Pastor Tim appreciates the stunning beauty of the Pacific Northwest but has not yet learned to leave his umbrella behind. While he is always glad to find salmon on the menu at meals, he still misses the excellence of Kansas City barbeque.
Pastor Tim is a 5th generation Lutheran pastor, though his first career was as a social worker in Missouri’s child welfare system. For self-care, Pastor Tim seeks places to listen to the movement of water (ask him how many videos of waves crashing on a beach he has recorded on his phone), opportunities to dance the two-step to country music, and to participate in the magic that is karaoke.
Pastor Tim loves the banner often on the side of Trinity’s building that proclaims “God loves everyone—no exceptions!” He believes that the assurance of God’s grace frees us to focus on sharing God’s love in word and in deed with our neighbors near and far, particularly those most marginalized or oppressed or in need. He believes that this work is best done in community, and that worship helps to form and re-form us as we encounter God in the stories of faith found in scripture, in hymns, and in one another. He also sees frequent evidence of God’s sense of humor, but is unlikely to start a sermon with a joke. You are welcome to meet Pastor Tim in worship at Trinity or to reach out by the phone number or email address above.