Ash Wednesday and Lent

February 3, 2016

Ash Wednesday, February 10
Trinity will host this year's joint service with Central Lutheran.
We will gather at 7 p.m. to begin our Lenten journey.

Lenten Wednesday Evenings
All are invited as we gather together with our friends from Central each Wednesday evening, at Central. 6 p.m. soup dinner, 7 p.m. Holden Evening Prayer service. Kids are welcome and encouraged to attend, as they will be assisting with an integral part of the serfvice!

Come and be a part of something exciting as our two congregations
come together for fellowship and worship.

Wednesday Evening Service Theme: Journey
February 17 - Ruth 1:6-18
February 24 - Acts 8:26-48
March 2 - Acts 15:36-41
March 9 - Genesis 16:1-16
March 16 - Luke 9:51-62
