Dreaming of a Bright Future

By Amy Stamatiou |  March 30, 2011

Dreaming of a Bright Future

                Thank you to everybody who attended my Long-Range Plan presentation in March.  It is wonderful to be able to share my dreams and hopes for this magnificent place that is Trinity.  During my presentation, I asked you to share your dreams as well.  Some of the responses that I received are:"

A youth choir

Children’s story time

Bible verse and commandment memorization

After school “safe” place for youth with homework help

Lots of kids in church (I heard this one a few times)

Kids involved in worship & service – the life of Trinity

Young parents with children; young and older

More up to date songs in church

Music (guitar, piano instruction) with religious themes

Sports in the park after Sunday School (soccer, baseball, Frisbee etc.)

Safe Haven

A church that is better connected to the local community and to our global community

More youth / ways to bring them in

Growth – more families, service groups, neighborhood connections

Disaster training

Special speakers

Community outreach

Youth activities that will entice young families to join the church

Trinity Lutheran College providing students as volunteers and mentors to help with our youth programs

These are all wonderful dreams and suggestions; and they all share a common theme – growth and outreach.  Trinity is a wonderful place, with a wonderful group of people.  We have a lot to offer to the children, youth, and families of our community.  Thank you for your support and enthusiasm as we strive towards making these dreams come true!

                Amy Stamatiou, Children, Youth and Family Ministries Coordinator

                425-422-7110; children@trinitylutheraneverett.com
