From The Council President
By Council Presidents | May 28, 2015
The Council met on May 19. The Council discussed Living Local and the need for at least one representative from the congregation. Trinity has committed to this 18 month endeavor but we cannot proceed without a representative. For more information regarding this, please feel free to call the church office.
The council adopted a policy that states: All rites (weddings, funerals, baptisms, confirmations, etc.) that are held at Trinity will be presided over by the current "Called Pastor." See Pastorcal Care artical on page 4.
The Treasurer pointed out that our e-script contributions have been increasing. Thank you to everyone who has designated Trinity on their Safeway, Bartels, and Fred Meyers cards and through AmazonSmile. Keep shopping!
The Council voted to give up to $6,000 for the repair of the leak on the flat part of the church roof on the southwest side. John Griffin and the Facilities team have a bid from a contractor in place; work will start as soon as possi ble. And lastly, the facilities team will be installing an outside video security system. There will be up to 6 cameras around both buildings with a DVR and a video display inside the chruch office. This is being paid for with monies allocated from and approved Wallace Fund Grant.