July/August Stewardship

July 22, 2014

DOWN - Relationship with God: God's grace, the story, creation
* Time to Pause, Breathe, Listen, Pray: Take time to reflect on who we, as a church, have been, who we are now, and who we want to be.

IN - What God has entrusted to our care: talents, time, money, stuff
* Salmon BBQ, August 10th, 11:30 a.m. Bring a side dish to share and prepare for lively bidding on silent auction items and delicious desserts!

OUT - Relationship with our neighbor: justice, local and global communities
* Great Trinity Giveaway Saturday, August 23. Bring unwanted items to the church and we'll give them away to anyone who wants them, no questins asked.
* Sack Lunches Sunday July 27 and August 24. Help make sandwiches for the homeless. 9:15 a.m. in the basement kitchen.

We'll collect school supplies for local children. Look for a list of items needed in the wekly bulletin throughout July.

AUGUST LOCAL BENEVOLENCE: Lutheran Community Services.
Lutheran Community Services provides a wide variety of services to adults, adolescents, children, families, schools, businesses, congregations, neighborhoods and communities. They focus on partnering with individuals, families and communities for health, justice, and hope. Learn more at www.lcsnw.org.
