Lenten Schedule

March 7, 2016

We Continue our Lenten Wednesday Evenings
As we move toward Holy Week and EAster, we continue to gather with Central Lutheran each Wednesday evening, AT CENTRAL. 6 p.m. soup dinner, 7 p.m. Holden Evening Prayer. Kids are welcomed and encouraged to attend!
Our theme for these Wednesay evenings is Journey:
March 2 - Acts 15:36-51
March 9 - Genesis 16:1-16
March 16 - Luke 9:51-62

Holy Week
Holy Week will start with Palm Sunday, March 20th at 10 a.m. We will raise oru palms and shout "Hosana!"
Maundy Thursday, March 24, at Trinity, we will have a short service of prayer at noon, stripping the altar. In the evening, at 7 p.m. AT CENTRAL we will have a joint service of Holy Communion for this holy day.
Good Friday, March 25, joint services will be held here AT TRINITY at 7 p.m.

Easter morning, March 27th, will begin with breakfast served from 8:30 - 10 a.m. We will celebrate our risen Lord at 10 a.m. Following worship, at 11:15, we will have an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.
