Lutheran World Relief Kits Needed

Layettes, School Kits,Health Kits and Sewing Kits

March 19, 2010

Layette items needed are shirts, gowns, sleepers, receiving blankets, cloth diapers, diaper pins, washcloths and Ivory bar soap. 
School items needed are 81/2 x 11 notebooks of ruled paper, blunt child size scissors, pencil sharpener, 21/2” long eraser & 12 sheets of construction paper, assorted colors. 
Health items needed are hand towels, wash cloths, bar soap in wrapper, tooth -brushes, metal nail file, wide tooth comb and 1/2” to 3/4” band-aids.  No toothpaste can be accepted at this time. 
Sewing kit items needed are cotton or cotton blend fabric, no polyester, for a total of 3 yards (45” width), thread, needles and 6 buttons.  

