News from WELCA
February 3, 2016
At the WELCA meeting on January 16th, a decision was made to focus on supporting the misison of Lutheran World Relief. Their mission is to end poverty, injustice and human suffering. In 2015, LWR sent quilts and kits to more than 674,057 people in 19 countries. LWR kits are highly regarded around the world because of their quality and consistency. They are carefully distributed to areas hit by natural disasters and where refugees are in need. Included for distribution are quilts, school kits, baby care kits, personal care kits, and sewing kits.
Trinity has been part of this ministry for many years. We have decided to offer an option to members of the congregation to help with providing items to be used in the kits. The need is great and we are very fortunate to have a Lutheran organization that is so able to reach those who need this help.
We'll be taking in the following items each month and welcome your help:
February - lightweight bath towel, dark colors prefered, bath size soap bars
March - metal nail clippers, sturdy combs
April - 70 sheet notebooks (wide or college ruled), rules with centimeteres on one side, blunt scissors, cash for shipping costs
Continue to watch your Tidings and Bulletins for ways you can contribute each month.