Parking Lot Dinner Program

By Amy Stamatiou |  August 9, 2010

The Parking Lot Dinner Program
Volunteers from several Everett churches meet in the parking lot at Central Lutheran twice each month to serve a warm dinner to people in need.  They routinely feed 80 – 95 people at these meals.  For the past four months, members from Trinity’s Sunday School program have been joining in this endeavor by making cold sandwiches to send home with people who come for dinner, on the fourth Sunday of each month.  Our efforts have recently been expanded, and we’re now preparing 50 sack lunches complete with a sandwich, banana, and cookies.  We also provide bottles of shampoo and deodorant, which go along with extra socks, clothing, and various toiletries that other volunteers are providing for guests.  If you’d like to see what this is all about, please join us on August 22nd as we make 50 more lunches, following the morning worship service.  We are continually collecting donations of shampoo (full size or travel size) and deodorant, also. Please contact Amy Stamatiou if you would like to help; 360-568-5836 or  

