Pastoral Care
May 28, 2015
A number of people have asked what do we do when we need a pastor.
There are a number of reasons why you may need your pastor; illness, death in the family, personal and/or family issues, spiritual guidance, weddings, funerals, baptisms, confirmation, to mention a few.
The Council affirmed a synod understanding that all rites (weddings, funerals, baptisms, confirmation, etc.) that are held on a congregation's premises will be presided over by the current "Called Pastor." That does not mean another pastor may not have some sort of involvement in the ceremony, but involvement, and the extent of that involvement, will be decided upon in consultation and discussion with the current Called Pastor.
The important thing to remember: if there are Pastoral concerns or needs, contact your Called Pastor or the church office so your needs can be met. The office will know how to get a hold of your pastor if s/he is not in the office, and exactly what to do if, for some reason, your pastor is not available.