Salmon BBQ 2008

Another Successful Event

By Lynda Elwood |  September 4, 2008

Salmon Barbecue 2008

      What a fun and full day of fellowship we shared at the annual salmon barbeque on August 10th!  The salmon was done to a "T" by the expert "pit crew" headed up by the Ostergaard families.  The buffet table was overloaded with the delicious dishes provided by the congregation.  If you left hungry, it was your own fault.  Jerry Bingham did his usual spectacular job of coaxing dollars from willing wallets at the dessert auction.  Pastor Jocelyn and Dave quickly caught on to the auction on their first official day with Trinity.

      Many thanks are due to all who participated.  Terry and Peggy Ostergaard organized the annual barbeque t-shirts.  Steve and Lynda Elwood traveled to Bellingham to pick up 180 lbs of salmon.  Tom and Patti Joehnck stored all the salmon in their freezers, then delivered them to the church on Saturday.  Terry, Peggy, Dave and Chris Ostergaard and extended families tenderly massaged the fish with the "secret rub”, then barbequed them over the open pit they built. 

      John Griffin, the Grazier family and crew set up and took down the tables, and the cleaning crew mopped up the aftermath in the kitchen.  Each member of the congregation who brought food, desserts and money contributed to the success.          

      Through all your generosity the following  results were possible:

$100.00 t-shirt profit given to Trinity Aid Bank

$2,900.00 youth   (auction and matching $400. from Thrivent)  

$800.00  from salmon donations

Just an example of what can be accomplished with God's love.

Lynda Elwood                      

