Summer Altar Flowers

May 28, 2015

At the May Worship Committee Meeting, it was decided to try something a little different with the altar flowers during the summer months.

During the months of June, July, and August, those who are providing altar flowers will have the freedom to provide the flowers by any means you choose. You can pick them out of your yard, buy them at the farmers' market or the grocery store, or purchase them from Flowers by Adrian's (the florist who has provided our altar flowers for years), or by any other means you may have.

We are asking that on the Sunday you are providing flowers, please arrive at church a full half hour early so that you can work with someone from Altar Care to get them arranged and on the altar. We will continue to use the brass vases with the green liners to display them. Please use that as your guage as to quantities you will need to provide the two bouquets.

If you have questions regarding this, please feel free to talk with anyone on the Worship Committee - Pastor Diana, Holly Batstone, Amy Stamatiou, Dorthey Thompson, Pam Gleave.

At this time, this is only an experiment. Feedback we receive will determine wether we want to make this a permanent change.
