Sunday School & Youth News

By Amy Stamatiou |  March 30, 2011

Sunday School and Youth News

                Our students have had another fun, busy, faith-filled month at Trinity!  We’ve studied big changes, big temptations, and big news.  We also hosted coffee hour, played games, made sandwiches, and got to play in the dirt!  We have some exciting things happening in the coming months too.

                On April 10th and 17th, Pastor Jocelyn will be leading us in Communion Classes.  This will be new information for some students, and a great reminder discussion for others.  All ages are welcome to join us as we talk about the history, the symbolism, and the importance of this sacrament.  Please join us in the Sunday School room following worship. 

                We will also continue to work in our Giving Garden, planting seeds, and watching for sprouts to pop up this month. 

                We’ll have another fantastic Easter Egg hunt this year!  Breakfast will be served downstairs, beginning at 8:00.  Please enjoy some pancakes, and meet us in the large room downstairs at 9:30, so we can head out and find some Easter Eggs together!   Families are encouraged to attend worship service at 10:00.  After the children’s sermon, children are welcome to join us in the Sunday School classroom for a Veggie Tales video, “’Twas the Night Before Easter” and some fun activities!  Be sure to bring your friends and neighbors, too. 
