March 7, 2016
Women of the ELCA (WELCA)
CIRCLE: The WELCA Circle will be meeting on Saturdya, March 19th, 9:30 a.m. in the Fireside room at Trinity. All women are invited to join us!
NEWS: Through Lent and Easter, WELCA will continue to gather in items for Health Kits in conjunction with the Baskets of Promise campaign that Lutheran World Relief is currently doing. A bin is out in the Fireside Room for the following items:
NEWS: Through Lent and Easter, WELCA will continue to gather in items for Health Kits in conjunction with the Baskets of Promise campaign that Lutheran World Relief is currently doing. A bin is out in the Fireside Room for the following items:
- Lightweight bath towels (52x27, dark colors preferred)
- Bath size soap bars
- Metal nail clippers
- Sturdy combs
- At this time, we do not need toothbrushes.
In April we will begin collecting items for School Kits:
- 70-page spiral notebooks
- Rulers with centimeteres on one side
- Blunt scissors
- Cash for shipping costs
Continue to watch your Tidings and Bulletins for ways you can contribute each month.