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Date Title Author
Jun 26, 2010 Welcome Back Gina
Jun 26, 2010 Historic Church Tour
Jun 26, 2010 July Benevolence
Jun 26, 2010 Stewardship Reminder
Jun 26, 2010 Sunday School News
Jun 11, 2010 Month Benevolence
Jun 11, 2010 Congratulations Pastor Paul Benz
Jun 11, 2010 Advocating Congregation
Jun 11, 2010 Stewardship Reminder
Jun 11, 2010 Lutheran World Relief
Jun 11, 2010 Summer Worship Schedule
Jun 11, 2010 Clara Griffin, AIM, to Retire
Jun 11, 2010 Youth Group News
May 3, 2010 May's Monthly Benevolence
May 3, 2010 Have You Noticed?
May 3, 2010 Clara Griffin, AIM, to Retire
May 3, 2010 Worship Times
May 2, 2010 Youth Group News
May 2, 2010 Vacation Bible School
May 2, 2010 Sunday School News
Apr 19, 2010 Monthly Benevolence
Apr 19, 2010 New Bible Study
Mar 25, 2010 Youth Group News
Mar 25, 2010 Sunday School News Amy Stamatiou
Mar 19, 2010 Lutheran World Relief Kits Needed
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